The School Farewell

The two best days of school, the first and the last.

Who would’ve thought? On October 31st, 2022, I left the school I’d spent 5 years in, with my oldest friends, teachers, and memories.

I would begin a new life in January, not in a new school, but a new country.

It was a bittersweet farewell, one which I had initially eagerly counted down to (I mean, I wouldn’t have school for the next 3 months. I couldn’t have been more elated. NO SCHOOL, RIGHT? I would enjoy my extended holidays with all my heart, and I was incredibly thrilled.)

However, as it dawned, I had mixed feelings. Of course, I was looking forward to exploring a new place, and the feeling of moving gave me a sense of giddiness, the fact that after 10 years, I’M MOVING! At the same time, I was leaving everyone. I’d probably never see my classmates again. Luckily for me, a few of my friends had already moved to the country I was going to(and two of them were leaving the school on the same day as me)…even then, I would have to start from scratch. Again. The fact that I would have to pack up my old life and set it up in a novel city seemed exhausting. It would take time, and I wasn’t ready to accept that change.

The last day would be forever imprinted into my mind. I still remember every single thing that happened, down to the moment I exited the school for the last time.

I had previously asked my parents whether I could go to a mall close to our school with a few of my closest friends, as they had invited me for a short outing, I could call it. Anyways, my parents had agreed(which I was pleasantly surprised about…), and I was eagerly awaiting the day.

School started off well, as normal as ever. I spent time chattering with my friends, conversing with my lecturers, sleeping through long lessons, and simultaneously trying to listen too(Ultimately, I paid attention. SO, my sleeping can be excused, I’m sure).

It happened in the second period, before lunch.

Me and one of my closest friends, who was also leaving, went downstairs with a few of the girls to snap a few pictures and capture snippets of the school. We also had to collect our leaving certificates, and my best friend assured me that they had asked our teacher, and she was perfectly fine with us touring the school. We wandered around for quite a while, more than 30 minutes, and I had begun to become anxious. I repeatedly asked everyone whether we should go back but was convinced to spend more time outside.

Suddenly, a worried look creased one of their faces. She warned us that a classmate had called us, urging us to immediately return, as our teacher was enraged by the time we’d spent outside class. As we rushed up the stairs, we debated on who would enter first. My heart was beating like a drum because I didn’t want to get yelled at in front of the entire class. I was absolutely terrified. Imagine how embarrassing that would be!


The moment I crossed the threshold of the door, I wondered why the lights were off. Was there a presentation? DID WE MISS SOMETHING IMPORTANT? What would I say? A train of thought rushed through my mind.

Ready to utter an apology, I opened my mouth to say it…and…


I was in utter shock as all the girls embraced the two of us, laughing, apologizing for nearly giving us a heart attack, wishing us a happy leaving, chuckling at our faces. There was a cake, baked by one of our very own classmates, the whole class gathered around the table piled high, groaning under the weight of snacks, drinks, gifts, chocolates, and the beautifully frosted, appetizing chocolate cake.

The next few hours went by in a blur, exchanging gifts, enjoying the treats, popping the many balloons(Don’t even ask. I wasn’t even surprised anymore). We enjoyed and laughed and reminisced and teased and embraced and cleaned(Obviously, someone had to clean the extensive mess we so carelessly made…☹. We all had to. Cake and streamers and…lollipops?).

At 4:15, we all filed out, bidding goodbye to each other. As I walked out, I felt heavy, electrified, and hopeful. A new path lay in front of me, new experiences, new encounters, new opportunities. The people whom I’d spent so much time would remain as cherished memories of my old life, and maybe, one day, we would meet again.

I walked ahead, holding my head high. Looking back, I took in the red, white, and blue one last time, continuing on my way.

Signing off…

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