Me And My Exams

Welcome Secondary! Suddenly the world of academics had transcended into a haze of intricacies and perplexity. The concepts more entangled, the questions more elaborate, the teachers more specific and me more resilient. I had clearly miscalculated the enormity of Secondary and so when my term exams were announced, I was pretty relaxed despite the fact that my exams were just 2.5 weeks away. That put me into quite a precarious position when 1 week later, I experienced the true meaning of last-minute rush. I was up late studying, trying to finish the syllabus that had suddenly bombarded me.

Why had I thought that it would be pretty easy?. It was Secondary! The last time I had ever picked up my books was June. Despite my mother telling me to revise everything, I simply refused(HEY! I am a tween!). In the end, I had to spend hours and hours and hours going through the syllabus ALL OVER AGAIN! For example, in Mathematics, the portions were wayyyy more elaborate than I could have ever anticipated! Why had I not been warned about this?!

Or had I…?

I was multitasking on every level and my mum was just standing there, looking at me triumphantly. I could not bear to think about the consequential poor performance that had a high chance of happening.

Then there was Hindi. The second language that had pleasantly appeared in my nightmares, became multiple times harder! From 3 chapters, it jumped to 16 CHAPTERS IN THE EXAM! This isn’t fair! And let’s not even talk about Science! It was the first time that I realized how grueling Physics was. And it was NOT a good feeling. It felt like a bucket of cold water had been dumped on me.

However, not everything was doom and gloom! There were many hilarious instances as well. There was complete ruckus in the class after the papers as we screamed over each other’s voices, bashing the strange questions that came out of the blue. I asked such weird questions; even my poor mother was confused and stumped. I would be sitting there, trying to keep a blank face. I also had fun pestering my mother with Hindi, sometimes using a mix of Hindi and English to speak! Finally, it was over, and the results were declared. I was relieved for some of the results, and crestfallen for others. It taught me to be much better prepared next time. I would NOT want to be in that disastrous situation AGAIN.

Do you face troubles while preparing for your exams? Do share some funny instances that you have experienced! Tell me in the comments below!

Signing off…

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