Gamble (Guest-Written)

Due to a sudden, extreme case of writer’s block and a completely uninspiring week because of assessment tasks, we have a guest writer, one of my friends, saving my graces today! Shoutout to him for his amazing writing, and thank you for helping me out today.


the biggest gamble

everyone has been told gambling is bad
sitting in front of slot machines
lines of cards, being drawn one by one
all so horrible, “you’re losing your money”

but why does no one say anything
about the big gamble
not the one with your soul, your life
but your time

your life doesn’t matter
if you waste all your time
your soul doesn’t matter
if your time is gone

a small gamble everyday
take the wrong lane
there goes the time
the ticking coming closer

a small gamble
“i’ll look at my phone for a minute.”
there goes the time
the ticking coming closer

rather than doing something meaningful
some thing important
we just let the ticking go on
gambling it all away

opportunities will come
a roll of a die
handed on a silver plate
ticking going on

‘time is money’
then your losing money
losing and losing
oh no

the ticking keeps going
let it spin
gamble it away

pull the lever
stack the cards

roll the die





-the scelitoon

Penny for your thoughts, isn’t it?

Signing off…

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