Over the years, we all have come across several articles suggesting the possibility of the existence of aliens. My interpretation of the existence and behavior of aliens was primarily because of the many alien movies that my parents had made me watch {Or I had forced them to watch😉}. Growing up, I must have watched about twenty alien movies, either at home or in the theater. I don’t regret it😊. Initially, it was always alien invasions, but eventually, I got introduced to movies that didn’t always have “horrible, terrible, evil aliens”. I would be screaming off my face cheering for a few of them when the aliens were so angelic (Remember E.T?). The weirdest part was, based on the type of movies, my feelings towards the aliens would change! My parents had the painful experience of seeing me prance around in weird clothes, trying to resemble an alien.

Revisiting the question- “Do Aliens Exist”. I have always believed that Aliens do exist in some part of this parallel universe. Why not? Many forms of life have been detected in other planets in the Solar system of our galaxy. Honestly, I have no idea how many solar systems and galaxies exist. My imaginations have portrayed aliens in several ways, sometimes like creatures that are hidden underground and one day would erupt like a volcano and devour humans, sometimes as big, huge mecha tank-robots which would have brains faster than super computers or as creatures as cute as Em’s funny little soft toys. There was even a time I dreamt of my sister being an alien, quite hilarious looking one (Yeah, It was sadly funny!). The dream ended in me being clobbered by my singing sister. She sang an extremely high-pitched version of “ Five little Aliens went out one day”(or was it ducks? :-/) My ears and nightmares had abandoned me forever, fortunately (Phew!).

But if Aliens existed, why didn’t they meet humans? Maybe they thought dinosaurs still existed! (Really?)

How would you react if you met an Alien someday?

If I met an Alien, then I would probably die of excitement{ Yay, finally a real Hyperbole!}. Firstly, I wouldn’t believe what I was witnessing, because my brain would probably process it as a person in a Halloween costume and I would look right into the mysterious eyes of the supposed “alien”, and say “, Oh! Hi there! Trick or treat?”. Finally, on the confirmation, I would ask the alien to provide me a tour of the spaceship (Yes!). I know, weird but so thrilling! On the other hand, my sister would probably look at it and exclaim “, Aww, you’re so cute! Can we play? Do you have chocolates? (She has the biggest, sweet tooth, Yes!)

Those are some of my thoughts on meeting an alien! How would you feel if an alien landed on your doorstep? And how would you interact? Just on a different note, who knows, maybe there are aliens on earth exactly resembling you and me, how about that? (Hehehe, creeeeepyyyy!)

Signing off….

9 thoughts on “DO ALIENS EXIST?

  1. I always think that, we can’t be alone in this is whole universe…like of you told me that aliens or other forms of non-earthly creatures exist I wouldn’t be surprised.

  2. Hello! Even my curiosity about the aliens is in similar lines. If I would meet one, I would definitely look for a cultural exchange to know about their language and traditions. The Alien in the drawing looks so adorable :-). Keep writing!

  3. I would love to meet an alien, and I think the same baseline human values could hold true for them too.. maybe an alien like me already exists 😉

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