Dear 15-year-old Self

Dear 15-year-old self,

You have come a long way in surviving your primary years, molding your secondary years, celebrating success, and managing failures, so you deserve a standing ovation. You have probably also been extremely devilish like me but you still deserve a round of applause. Ooh, have you eaten at least ten Mars chocolate bars today? I’m having that craving right now. (Drool!)

How did you feel growing up? Was it scary when things did not go as per the plan?  As a tween, you were so impatient to get things done. And the complaints and the tears which went on and on and on (Boohooohooo !). If we calculate the rate at which the tears spurted out of your eyes, the entire tear storage must have dried up by now. (Yes! I learned how to calculate Rate in Physics). Have you turned better or worse in handling your outbursts? I am hoping ‘Better’ (Yay!). Are you geared up to become a biomedical scientist or an artist or a writer or an astronaut or a ……..? Or your present goals are not the part of your long list? Don’t tell me that you are going to be a surgeon now. ( Yeah! you used to literally faint at the sight of a small wound!)

How are your friends and family? Do you call them often? I think Mum is there to remind you about this, everyday as she used to do always. (Parents never change!). In your tweens, the world faced a pandemic named Covid-19. As it was very contagious, people were advised to wear masks and maintain social distancing. Schools and public places were shut down and gatherings were restricted. It was an isolated world with a bunch of people muddled and horrified. That was the first time I ever realized that social connections support us and increase our happiness. Is the world still afflicted with threats of diseases? Are the scientific breakthroughs effective in fighting deadly diseases?

Are you still writing your blog? Have you taken it to greater heights? No procrastination, OK! I got a dozen of undeserved scoldings and Papa kept persuading me to continue writing it! Honestly, now I’m sneakily reading books and acting perfectly angelic when they come to check on me.

Not that they’re going to find out… are they?

Seeing our pet guppy in the aquarium was always a pleasure. Em would stare at it for hours. Is there a puppy in our home as a pet now, as you always wanted? Or is mum, still terrified of keeping pets? Em should have grown more responsible and less troublesome by now. I hope that her mischiefs have become milder (Believe me! She used to be the empress of mischiefs). Whatever new things you experience, never forget me and continue to amaze the world😊.

Annoyingly Yours

Amazing 11ish year old

33 thoughts on “Dear 15-year-old Self

  1. Nicely written ! Great realization around “social connections” and I think we still haven’t realized the true repercussions of not being able to hug , touch or feel someone whenever we want to . Keep writing ! “Every master was once an amateur”

  2. you articulated the idea of “growing up” in a mature way, and i think that’s something to look up to. loved it 😌

  3. you articulated the idea of growing up while still glamourising that sense of maturity, and i think that’s something to look up to. loved it <3 keep writing

  4. Dear
    Your dialogue is natural / superb, your thinking and imagination is excellent. Will wait for your next post.

  5. Very AMAZING 🤩….it’s really unique….I love the writing ✍️ Style and everything about it…so impressive…keep it up ✨

  6. Awesome Mili.. Keep writing dear..
    Interestingly when you will be 17, Em will be exactly 11 – your current age. How about a letter from 17yr. old Mili to 11 year old Em ? 🙂

  7. When I read this, I think to myself, where is the note from the tween me to teen me and now 40 something me.. it’s all there in my head… ain’t it so nice to talk to myself.. hope I had it all written down … unclouded by reason and prudence!! Great job Mili.. keep going!

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