My First Baking Project

For quite some time, I have been visualizing myself as a professional baker. Thanks to my mom’s obsession with following MasterChef episodes, her umpteen attempts to bake almost perfect cakes (not 100% perfect) and having a gang of amazing friends who are utterly meticulous in their baking skills, ignited my passion for baking. So, to pursue this passion, I finally decided that I would bake a simple chocolate chip muffin batch. My confidence was sky-high. I made an elaborate plan that involved collecting the recipes for a thousand varieties of muffins, listing down the required ingredients, and badgering my mom to buy the ingredients that would help me launch my dream baking project. I had been an assistant baker in my best friend’s kitchen and was able to grasp a few tricks and trades of baking. She loves baking, and she seemed even more excited than I was!

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Me And My Exams

Welcome Secondary! Suddenly the world of academics had transcended into a haze of intricacies and perplexity. The concepts more entangled, the questions more elaborate, the teachers more specific and me more resilient. I had clearly miscalculated the enormity of Secondary and so when my term exams were announced, I was pretty relaxed despite the fact that my exams were just 2.5 weeks away. That put me into quite a precarious position when 1 week later, I experienced the true meaning of last-minute rush. I was up late studying, trying to finish the syllabus that had suddenly bombarded me.

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Be The Change

Climate change has become far more concerning than anyone could have ever anticipated (or maybe everyone anticipated but did not act). Ever since the 1900s, the climate has been on the fritz. Due to our reckless actions disregarding the health of our Earth, the detrimental effects can now be witnessed, one of them being climate change. Melting glaciers and rising sea levels, recurrent floods and typhoons, earthquakes of greater magnitude and frequency are only a few of the effects changes in the climate are causing. Is it just the tip of the iceberg?

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Write, You Must!

This poem was composed jointly by my mother and me. Today, my brain could not conceive any idea about what my poem would be about. I could say that my mind was blank. She helped me to organize my thoughts and frame this poem. However, the drawing is my own creation. We hope you enjoy this read!

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My Golden Trip To Gold Coast


As I scrolled through the album on my mum’s phone, I came across a beautiful picture of us in Australia. This was a picture of us on Surfers Paradise Beach in Gold Coast (Happy times !). I began to reminisce about our amazing trip to Australia…

When my father finally announced proudly that he had managed to buy tickets to Brisbane, I spent the next two days battering him with questions and squealing excitedly. I spent a lot of time carefully crafting a travel itinerary listing down the places to visit. The next few weeks were spent planning and packing clothes and necessary supplies. As it was a 10-days trip, my mum was extra cautious with her checklist. We had a fairly turbulent flight journey, but I handled it well. We landed in Brisbane and from there we drove to Gold Coast. The entire time, I was staring out of the window , completely bowled over the magnificent panorama. It took us almost an hour to reach Gold Coast.

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Tennis Time

It was Saturday. I woke up late as it was a ‘no-school day’ and had a hearty breakfast. My plan was to complete my homework and then lounge on the sofa to finish my recent read “The Trouble Twisters“. Suddenly at around 11.30 am, my dad suggested an incredible idea to go to the tennis court and play tennis. Well! Honestly, I was not very enthusiastic about it. One, because I hardly knew how to play tennis and lifting the racquet sapped all my strength and two, when I scanned the weather outside, the sun was extremely bright, and it was sweltering! I was immensely scared of receiving sun burns. Not a good idea, Dad! The suggestion was completely ignored by Dad and Em (My little sister) and he changed into his sportswear in a flash. I did not want to be a spoil sport, so I gave in.

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My Holiday activities during the pandemic

My mum’s finishing touches to the plating:)

Holidays are usually a time of great enjoyment and relaxation. During this pandemic, with restricted outdoor activities and no travel, I kept running out of ideas on how to spend my summer vacation. We could not visit the Zoo, Museums, Theme Parks, or Indoor playgrounds. Traveling to holiday destinations was crossed out. The Summer camp activities were being offered online but I did not feel like enrolling. Hence, I came up with few ideas that kept me occupied and were fun as well. Here is a small list that can make your holidays fun!

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‘L’ for LIKE

In my earlier blog, I had listed out the top 5 things that I disliked. But as I mentioned, I do have my favorites. It took me quite some time to narrow it down to my “Top Five”

Number 1: Reading, reading, and more reading….

Reading fiction holds the topmost rank in my list of hobbies. I have a vast collection of books from which I read EVERY SINGLE DAY! My mother gets extremely annoyed when I read late into the night or sneak to read in the morning while they are asleep. Rain or shine, I must read. My love for reading was inculcated in me by my Kindergarten teacher, Miss. P. She was the first person to introduce me to the wonderful world of storybooks. I mostly enjoy genres like mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, and suspense. I have loved reading “The Young Elites”, “ Harry Potter”, “Percy Jackson, “The Trials of Apollo”, “Nancy Drew”, “ Agatha Christie”, “Hardy Boys”, “The Spider Wick Chronicles”, “The Dragon Pearl”, few works of  William Shakespeare, etc, etc, etc. (The list is endless, so I better pause here).  J.K Rowling is my favorite author and a big inspiration. Someday, I wish to create a magical world of my own with my writing.

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