I always did wonder approximately how old my school was…

Well, I got my answer…with this!

And concluded it was ANCIENT.

Let me elaborate on how I chanced upon this wondrous treasure.

So, my day was going as well as usual, with the sun beating down relentlessly without a care in the world except for the fact that it really, REALLY wanted to burn us all to crisps which would be insignificant in the great cycle of this evolving world.

Sorry, back to the point. I’ll rant about the weather some other day! Look forward to it! 😊

Anyways, I headed up to the two-floor library, which was probably my favorite place in the whole world(except the zoo. And the beach. And…you know what, never mind. It’s a place I really love). All libraries are, they’re just so cozy and you can just…lose yourself in a book.

Have I been becoming more poetic(a.k.a dramatic)?

After browsing through the extensive collections of books, I thought that it would do me good to read some non-fiction. Because I love biology and animals, twenty minutes of a dilemma later, I walked out of the library lugging behind me a huge encyclopedia which would proudly impart to me the knowledge of understanding and identifying the world’s most dangerous animals. I did attract quite a few strange looks…though I did look ridiculous.

As I flipped through the pages of the old-looking albeit pristine tome, upon reaching page 100, I came across a paper, with library stamps dating back to the 5th of October 1976.


And my mum went, “STOP DISTURBING MEEEEE!”

Needless to say, as I boasted my discovery, all members of my family were incredibly interested, leading to a research thread which disclosed the result that my school was indeed, founded in 1957, by some very important people that contributed to our area’s history. Except Em, who thought I had a rock from the dinosaur age. I wasn’t surprised by that claim, to be honest. It IS Em, after all.

That made me feel so important though-


I still couldn’t get over that revelation, storing it away. I was also in utter awe, for a school survived decades and was still such an excellent one! It was like a piece of history conserved in time! I felt an overwhelming sense of pride, and THE FACT THAT I WAS HOLDING PAPER FROM 1976. THAT’S YEARS BEFORE I WAS BORN AND MY PARENTS TOO.

I think.


I don’t think I know when they’re born…


Yeah, I think we’ll just stick with my assumption.

I kept the paper with me. It flutters out from a thick stack of folders and books, reminding me of the history of my school, bringing with it a piece of time left behind.

Signing off…

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