
As you all know, badminton is extremely rejuvenating AND a sport that elevates your fitness, stamina, and joy ! Out of all the activities and hobbies that I pursue, playing badminton is unanimously, undoubtedly, something I enjoy the most. Recently, I decided to begin learning badminton formally and commenced my badminton classes.

After scouring vehemently for a badminton class, we found one nearby and I signed up for it. Now, I had only ever played badminton as a hobby, and I wasn’t expecting the class to be any different. I thought that they would start easy for the first few classes and that even if it was vigorous, I would be able to manage it.

I was wrong. Extremely wrong☹.

I enjoyed the class immensely, learning new styles of footwork, playing matches, and making new acquaintances. The pain was absolutely unanticipated. As I was hopping onto a bus back home, the first sign appeared. My knees buckled and a sharp pain rose in my ankle. I ignored it, dismissing it as a mild aftereffect. But then, rivulets of pain crept in, and by the time I returned…I could hardly move.

I sounded like a creaky chair as I dragged myself back home. Practically every part of me hurt. My ankle was sprained, I couldn’t lift my arms, MY STOMACH SOMEHOW BEGAN TO HURT, and bending down to sit hurt my knees. My parents had the nerve to laugh at me☹. For the next 3 days, I was groaning and cringing at every step as I cried in pain, until finally, blissfully, IT WAS GONE.

IT WAS A TERRIBLE THREE DAYS. It also showed me the importance of exercise though…(I DO, IT’S JUST THAT IT’S NOT ENOUGH, CLEARLY!)

It took me two classes to get acclimatized to the routine of waking myself at 7, heading to the class at 9, and playing for 2 hours afterward. My basics strengthened and I looked forward to playing every time.

I coaxed my parents to be actively involved in the badminton practice sessions to improve my skills. Every time I missed, my excuses were in gazillions. You should applaud me for inventing such CREATIVE EXCUSES! For example:

-How is it my problem that the wind is working against me, NOT YOU?

-I LOVE GREENERY! Sigh! That’s why it keeps landing straight into the bush.

-There’s something wrong with the racket. It’s wobbly! Not MY fault.

-The opponent is unfair.

-My back’s gonna break, I can’t bend THAT low!

-My side of the court is sabotaged, it’s rigged…

There are many to add but listing them now makes me realize how nonsensical they are.

I am immensely enjoying learning badminton, and I have a LONGGG way to go.

Signing off…

2 thoughts on “Badminton

  1. Very funny experience. Me as a badminton player for 8 years totally understand your pain and excuses because I make them also but not as good as yours :). It happened to me after circuit breaker and amazingly I got better not knowing. Amazingly written 🙂

    • I don’t think you need to make excuses. U r indeed one of the best badminton players I have ever met! I agree, indeed, it was quite hilarious! Thank you so much for visiting:D

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