The Evil Pimple

“…where the Grove of Dodona is”, I read, engrossed in the 1st book of the Trials of Apollo. I had recently started the series and already, I loved it. I walked into the bedroom, looking for a comb to tame my unruly hair. It was disrupting my reading and I was exasperated. As I set the book onto the table and looked into the mirror, I nearly screamed, but managed to suppress the urge to. There, perching on my forehead, distorting my reflection with its horrifying presence, WAS A PIMPLE RIGHT AT THE CENTRE OF MY FOREHEAD! No wait! There was another one peeping out from the left corner of my hairline.

*Dramatic gasp*

Pimples are one of the ghastly gifts of welll….growing up. Yeah, frequent frustrations is another awkward gift, but we will talk about THAT later. Given the fact that I am in my tweens, I thought I was prepared to bear the brunt, but I underestimated the power of the pimple. As I leaned further towards my reflection to scientifically investigate its presence, it almost made me puke. Trying not to get rattled, I observed the diameter, colour and shape of the bigger one from every possible angle, chalked out a hypothesis to wipe it out and finally put my plan into action to obtain the desired results. Ok, in layman’s terms, I decided to pop it.

Guess what?

It popped, spewing pus and blood! Gross! At that point, I yelled because now it was throbbing, and its size had increased from a peppercorn to a pea. Popping a pimple is a bad idea. NEVER do that. Although you might consider it a quick solution, it never works :(. So, now I had no other option but to stare at the pea- sized pimple becoming scarlet as every second passed. I yelled at science, the laws of growing up, the environment, and my mom for not addressing my pimple situation.

Hearing me yell, my mother came rushing in. She asked me to wash my face immediately and then applied an ointment that stung sharply and then generated a cooling affect. In her stern soothing voice she managed to explain for the hundredth time, that this was all going to disappear if I kept cleaning my face and did not SQUEEZE the pimple. I do not know how miraculous this advice is going to be because as I write these lines I found two more teeny tiny pimples erupting lazily. I JUST HATE their loyalty towards me 🙁

Signing off…

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