A Cry For Help

Since 9 am, I am trying to fix my intractable iPad. Every single application that I attempted to open shut down promptly and I was directed back to the home screen. Usually, when apps crash, they will stabilize after I restart the device or free the device storage space. However, this did not seem to be the situation at the present. I thought that I would search for a solution on the Internet. So, I logged into my computer, hurriedly typed my query in Google, and clicked on the website that had the potential solution to unfreeze my iPad. But wait! The website slowed to a near crawl and then became unresponsive. WHAT?! So should I reboot it? Refusing to give up, I opened Google on my mother’s phone, but that did not work as well. The maximum number of tabs were open and those needed to be closed first! My information insufficiency was paralyzing me. Finally, with a cry of impatience, I decided to restart it, hoping it would resolve the problem. At this point, I would like to highlight that a simple solution would have been to ask my parents to deal with the multiple device delinquencies. But I was not even supposed to access my iPad at 9 am to check new notifications in the first place☹.

Suddenly, my mom sauntered into the room. Upon seeing my agitated face, she questioned me, and I narrated the entire tale vehemently. When she finished listening to it, she paused and then burst out saying,

“I think the devices are utterly exhausted! So, they have decided to take a break. Hmm…they needed to relax and rejuvenate! Eh! What do you think?

This statement did not provide any solution, but it left me incredibly baffled.

“Stop over-exaggerating, Mom. Are these devices or humans?”

But I did ponder over what she had said, and her logic seemed plausible. Nowadays, everyone is under the magical spell of these smart devices. Not a single minute of the day passes when these poor devices are left to breathe! My parents require several devices for their regular work. Then, my sister avidly ogles videos on YouTube. Afterwards, it is my turn when I use many of them to check WhatsApp, listen to music, and do online classes. Sometimes we do not spare the devices even when they are plugged in to be recharged. At least humans on average get 8-10 hours of sleep. Do these devices even rest? I imagined a hypothetical conversation among all these devices.

Phone 1- Morning!

I-pad- Why so late, slowpoke? I have already commenced the day by playing music and some educational videos.

Phone 2- Hey! From time to time, I am witnessing lengthy animated WhatsApp discussions. Don’t these humans ever get tired typing?! Ouch…it hurts!!!

Tab: Well, I have a long to-do list and my battery is at 25% only. Please recharge my battery first!

Phone 1: Yeah! I can hear complaints pouring into my ears the whole day. Someone calling someone…chit chat chatter chatterer…Do you have earplugs?

Laptop 1: For me, it is a whole day of Zoom, emails, and formal conversations…The space bar has stopped working but they keep pounding on the key so hard☹.

Laptop 2: Yay…I got some rest. My system is updating so there is thankfully no activity.

I-pad: Ughhh…news again? No, it’s the same video game! Sigh! Again?!!!

Phone 1: And here comes another thirty text messages and innumerable stickers. Great!

Laptop 1: Ohhhh…I’m so tired…   

Phone 2: Haha! Someone had enabled screen time. Clearly doesn’t work dude! Other keeps cancelling it!

All devices in unison: ”PUHLEAZZEEEE! Just leave us in peace for some time! Ugh…forget it! LET US GO ON A STRIKE!!”

Well! Electronic devices are undoubtedly essential, but sometimes…don’t you think we should just let them take a break?😊

Signing off…                                                                      

8 thoughts on “A Cry For Help

  1. Great writing Mili! I think you may ask your Mom if Father Christmas could give you a new iPod for Christmas 😜. Love – Papai dada

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